Monday, November 4, 2013



How is a person diagnosed with the chosen disorder?

Specialists such as neurologists, geneticists, metabolic physicians will put in their research for this disease. Types of diagnosis methods will vary depending on the type of Leukodystrophy; these are some methods:

  • Blood Tests - examination of a sample of blood
    Blood Test
  • Urine Test - numerous tests on urine and is very common 
    Urine Test
  • MRI Scan -  used to visualize internal structures of the body
    MRI Scan
  • Nerve conduction test - the speed or signal transmitted by nerve cells
  • Physical examination - to determine a person's level of fitness
  • Nerve biopsy - a piece of nerve is removed and then examined
  • Genetic tests - refers to DNA
  • Neurocognitive tests - linked to the brain's functions in certain parts
  • Screening - Without signs or symptoms, it is used to identify unrecognized diseases

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